Sunday, September 19, 2010

Butter you up.

In many of the next posts, I am going to talk about how food has been kept in times of no electricity. The means by which our food has been kept as also had the side effect of making that very food healthier. In this first post I will quote from the bible and will do so in many coming posts. These posts hopefully will inform you about how food kept for shorter periods of time are actually healthier and why the modern system of refrigeration though convenient, is actually part of the reason why this nation and others are having an obesity epidemic. Though not the root cause, nor even a major player, refrigerators have been a small enabler of obesity in many realms. Elimination refrigerators is NOT either a be all end all nor an actual specific solution. Nor should this be construed as some kind of nutty concept that we should live with out them. On the contrary. Refrigerators serve a highly useful purpose. The problem has that many bad habits have formed from them.
I am NOT advocating ANYTHING in the direction of eliminating them at all. What I am going to point out however is that they have an unusual connection to obesity that can be broken by changing habits.  

Butter keepers are a very old way of keeping butter. Butter is a very old way of keeping milk. And milk weather or not you agree or not, is healthy and good for you body. The problem is that milk spoils quickly if not chilled. So taking milk and converting it into a form that will keep is the reason butter, and cheese exists.

The use of such a dish is simple and easy to understand how it works.
Simply put, butter is immersed in water which keeps out air and that keeps the butter for longer periods of time over that of being simply put in a butter plate and covered.
Butter becomes rancid because of exposure to air. Bacteria and mold spores collect on the butter and it acts as a food source for such. The mold and bacteria need air to do their thing and depravation of that air is what keeps the butter longer. There is an additional aspect of the water evaporating that causes.

Many ways to keep butter have come into existence as a result and one that has survived even into today is known as a Butter Keeper, Butter Crock, Butter Vase or other such term.

The styles of such are varied and even fanciful.

On this link, images of butter keepers can be found. Scrolling through can take some time, but the concept is there. If one is into pottery, such a device can be a small but unique money maker if sold.

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